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Affordable Swimming in Sacramento

Winter Swimming

Look out your wintertime window at your swimming pool and consider taking a dip — after all, with global warming it’s not that cold outside! A quick look, and you dismiss the thought. You already know that water is freezing (well, somewhere in the 40’s or 50’s), regardless of the air temperature. The truth is, many people stop using their pools entirely after September, and don’t touch them again until May or June, just to avoid unexpectedly meeting cold water. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way!

Swimming Pool Heating Options

Sacramento swimming pools are meant to be used, not just appreciated as part of the landscaping. When you know the water is comfortable, you’re much more inclined to use it — along with the rest of your family. All that’s needed is a heating system to warm up the water in your pool! When it comes to adding warmth to your pool, there are basically three options:

There are many advantages to using solar pool heating over all other types, especially in Sacramento. In a future blog article, we will discuss the differences in annual costs for running a gas heater, an electrical heat pump, and a solar pool heating system. But if you would like more information right now, contact Solaron online or call us for a free consultation and get your pool ready for springtime!

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