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How Does Solar Pool Heating Work?

Solar Pool Heating

Solaron uses Heliocol pool heating systems. We trust Heliocol to work efficiently and effectively every time, with every installation. The Olympics organizers trust them too, with Heliocol solar heaters installed for the Atlanta, Athens and Beijing Olympics. How does Heliocol work?

Tied Into Your System

A swimming pool routinely comes with a filter pump that pulls water out of a pool and pumps it back in, after it has been filtered. With a solar pool heating system, this filtered water first goes through a series of Heliocol panels. One pipe at the bottom of the panel is connected to many other smaller tubes that proceed up to a return tube at the top. Along the way, these thin, black tubes collect heat from the sun’s rays and transmit it to the water flowing inside. The return pipe is then connected to the water return line of your swimming pool. No gas is necessary to heat your swimming pool a substantial number of degrees, saving you a significant expense during the colder time of year, while still giving you a pool that can be used for extra months.

Full Automation Possible

The Olympic rules state that a competition pool must be kept at 79 degrees Fahrenheit, with no more variation allowed than one degree up or down. Heliocol maintains such an exact temperature through the use of an automation system that turns the swimming pool pump on and off automatically. If extra heating is needed, the pump runs during the day. If cooling is required, the pump runs at night. You too can benefit from the exact temperature you desire by adding automation to a Heliocol pool heating system.

Trust Solaron for Heliocol

Solaron is the #1 Heliocol dealer in California, and we all know that California and the Sacramento area have a lot of swimming pools! Every solar pool heater system reduces our collective use of natural gas, providing significant convenience with the minimum environmental cost. For more information about Heliocol pool heating for residential or commercial use, contact  Solaron at 916-631-9293.

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