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Comparing Options to Heat Your Swimming Pool

Comparing Options

A recent study determined that in 2022, California is home to about 1.34 million residential swimming pools throughout the state. Even though the COVID pandemic caused the industry to take a dip (pun intended), homebuyer demand for swimming pools continues to grow. Current projections indicate an industry rise of 32% since 2020. Californians love swimming pools! Along with that, they frequently want a way to raise or lower the temperature of the water so that they can enjoy it year-round, not just in the summer. While there are multiple ways to heat the water, Solaron offers the best choice — solar pool heating. Let’s find out why!

Electrical Pool Heaters

You might think that since the rest of your home runs on electricity, this might be the best option to heat the water for your pool. But electricity is getting more and more expensive. Using electricity to heat your pool may require installing a different type of pump into your swimming pool filtration system, which is also expensive. While a solar power system helps to offset the cost of electricity, the new equipment may also need to run for longer periods to get the water to the desired temperature.

Gas Pool Heaters

Gas heaters are more affordable in the long run, if you have access to natural gas lines near your swimming pool’s filtration plumbing. Otherwise, you might need to use propane instead – which often doubles the price as compared to natural gas. In either case, retrofitting your pool’s filter system to use with a natural gas or propane heater is an additional cost to take into account. Plus, gas use is connected with climate change, so environmentally conscious customers will want to consider this too.

Solar Swimming Pool Heating

California sunshine is abundant. Even in winter, the sun’s light provides warmth. That heat is even more available on rooftops. Solar pool heating in Sacramento uses a series of thin panels made of small tubes to absorb heat from the sun’s rays and transfer that heat to your filtered swimming pool water. The water returns to your swimming pool, sharing that heat with the rest of the water in the pool. There’s no natural gas use or expensive utility bills to heat the water, and the flow of the water is controlled by the existing pump of your filtration system. What’s more, if your water gets too warm in summer, the system can cool down your pool by circulating water at night.

Solaron is proud to offer Heliocol solar pool heating in Sacramento and the surrounding areas. We have researched many solar pool heating systems, and we think Heliocol is simply the best out there. If you have a swimming pool, it makes sense to use this solar pool heating system to help you enjoy your pool as often as possible. To learn more about the Heliocol solar pool heating system, please contact Solaron. We have agents ready to speak with you over the phone, and you can also use our online form to list your questions and schedule a consultation.

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