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Solar Tax Credit Drops After 2019

Solar Tax Credit

If you have been waiting to install solar panels on your home, now is the time to act! While it is always true that technology improves over time, the national tax credit for solar panels is not going to last forever. Throughout 2019, the solar tax credit for federal income tax is 30%. Starting in 2020, that credit drops annually for residential customers until it hits zero in 2022.

Solaron is expecting an upswing in the number of solar panel requests and is ready to meet your needs for photovoltaic energy in 2019. It is important to remember, however, that procrastination can mean losing out on a good deal! We also expect that many customers are going to wait until the last minute in 2019 to buy their solar system. This is a bad idea, for a number of reasons.

Why Buy Solar Early in 2019

First of all, if you wait too long, you may never even get around to purchasing your solar system. It is hard enough for people to buy Christmas presents on time! How will they also manage a deadline to purchase a solar system by December 31st, with their New Year’s party just around the corner?

Second, we expect the surge to increase as the year continues. Some periods that are likely to be strong from a sales perspective are when tax returns start to roll in, when the good weather begins in late spring, and in the early fall, when it’s clear that rain is coming soon and the year is almost over.

Third, although Solaron is prepared for an increase in customer requests for solar assessments, quotes and installations, there may come a time when our capacity is at maximum. Getting started on your solar purchase early means you can plan, order, purchase, and install your system in plenty of time to beat the 2019 federal deadline.

So don’t miss out on the maximum savings for installing solar technology! Whether intended for commercial or residential installation, contact Solaron early in 2019 to maximize your tax benefits!

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