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Antioch, CA Solar Pool Heating

Solar Pool Heating Benefits

Solar Pool HeatingSolar heating for pools is a reliable technology. Water from the swimming pool, after traveling through the pump and filter, is sent to solar panels and then returned to the pool. Using the Sun’s power heats the pool without the expense of a gas heater and increases your swimming time by months!

The consequence of buying a solar pool heating system is that spring is no longer the months where you sit around waiting for the pool to heat up. Fall is more months for swimming, not when you pull out the winter pool cover. And summer is when you appreciate perfect temperatures, just as you and the family like it.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Solar pool heating is a durable, low-cost solution that enables the family to appreciate a swimming pool more than ever before! For additional information about solar pool heating in Antioch call Solaron at 916-631-9293.
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