Solar swimming pool heating works really quite simply by sending pool water through a layout of panels, each consisting of little tubes. The water absorbs the thermal heat and returns to the pool. The water is regularly moving, heating the pool throughout the daytime. Solar pool panels are long-lasting, contain no moving parts, and require no electrical connections.
Solar pool heating panels are usually placed on the roof of the home or another poolside structure. Their low profile makes them aerodynamic. Panel arrangements are flexible, allowing Solaron to maximize the ability to absorb thermal energy.
Who Makes Pool Heaters for Solaron?
Solaron has served Antioch since 1994! We are happy to be a family owned and operated business and believe in customer service, capable staff, and bringing you the best modules on the market! Solaron is excited to be an Authorized Heliocol Distributor. Heliocol is the leading swimming pool solar builder worldwide with the best product warranty. Solaron has been the largest California Heliocol dealer since 2010. Our sales and installation staff receive ongoing assistance and training from Heliocol. We do our own installations, using our own employees. Fully insured and licensed, Solaron has never experienced a bad report with the contractor’s board and has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
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