Solar Pool Heating Benefits
Solar pool heaters should really be called solar swimming pool climate control, because they do more than just heat the swimming pool! In the spring, fall and early part of summer, when water temperatures are cool, solar pool heating uses the energy of the Sun to warm your pool by drawing water out of the swimming pool, warming it up in solar coils by Heliocol, and then putting it right back. Plus, in hot summer months when the real problem is water that’s too warm, a solar heater becomes your temperature climate control. At night, when it is cooler, water is pulled out of the pool, cools off in the darkened coils, and then put back in your pool. Truly climate control to modify the temperature of your swimming pool in all seasons!
It is straightforward and it works. Sunshine creates the energy to warm your pool so you can enjoy swimming from Spring to Fall, earlier in the mornings, and later in the evening! Too many people pay for the care of a swimming pool and get very little use out of it, simply because they are displeased with the temperature. Solar pool heating lets you take full advantage of a long swim season and comfortable water temperatures!
Schedule a Free Consultation
Solar pool heating is a long-lasting, relatively inexpensive solution that enables the family to enjoy the swimming pool more than ever before! For more information about solar pool heating in Castro Valley connect with Solaron at 916-631-9293.
Free Solar Pool Analysis