If you have a pool, ask yourself this question: How many days would you have used your pool last year if it had been just a small bit warmer? A pool is amazing when the weather is warm, but many weeks out of the year it is simply unused due to the temperature. With that thought in mind, let’s consider why you should purchase a solar pool heater from Solaron of El Dorado Hills!
Solar Swimming Pool Heating Costs Less
Solar pool heating, compared to other technologies, is economical and long-lasting. Spread the cost of installation out over 15 years and the cost is surprisingly low to heat the pool. And anyone who warms their pool with electricity or natural gas knows that it is pricy, both to install the heater and to operate it. Thus if you need to heat your pool, a solar pool heater is the most economical technique.
Solar Swimming Pool Heating Lengthens the Swim Season
Every year days start to get longer and you think about swimming. But you look at the pool temperature and it is just too cool for your tastes! A solar pool heater resolves this situation. Once the sun is again strong and shining, you can “pump up” the temperature of the pool. And when customers are rolling out the pool cover for the fall and winter, you can just keep swimming for many weeks more.
Get Full Temperature Automation
Solaron uses Heliocol pool heating technology. We rely on Heliocol to work efficiently and effectively every time, with every installation. Olympic organizers rely on them too, with Heliocol solar pool heaters installed for the Atlanta, Athens and Beijing Olympics. Whether your pool is too cool, or feels a little too warm, a solar pool heater boosts the temperature with warm daytime operation or reduces temperatures by pumping cooler water at night.
Trust Solaron for Heliocol
When you elect to purchase a Heliocol solar pool heater, you want the best contractor you can find. Solaron has the most experience in El Dorado Hills, because we are the #1 installer for Heliocol in all of California. When you think about the large number of backyard pools throughout the state, and the size of its cities, that really means something! Get your solar pool heater with confidence by going with Solaron! Call us today at 916-631-9293 or online by using our website.
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