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How Solar Panels WorkResearchers initially observed the photoelectric effect in the 1800s, learning that sunshine has the ability to create electricity if it touches certain metals. Even Einstein was interested in solidifying our knowledge of how this phenomena works. Today, Solaron applies this scientific principle to help West Sacramento homeowners create their own power using solar panels.

What Goes Into a Solar Panel?

Solaron exclusively installs solar panels manufactured by SunPower, a leading developer of solar cells. These cells are combined together to create panels of various sizes and power configurations. Located in California, SunPower applies the useful amounts of sunshine here in our state to drive research that makes solar panels that regularly supersede the longevity and production of their competitors.

Connecting Panels Together

SunPower has also championed the realization of a number of effective and simple methods for putting panels together. It takes many panels to power the usual household, and all these panels must be connected together in an electrical network to create the electricity our customers need. So while a solar panel array may look like one giant panel from a distance, in reality it is various smaller panels combined together both electronically through wiring and physically through a framework. This setup allows for configurations that fit any roof or platform, such as the shade structures now found on various parking lots.

Creating Useful Energy

To modify the direct current (DC) electricity made by your solar panels to power the alternating current (AC) outlets in your household, Solaron installs an “inverter” with your solar system. This piece of equipment thus converts the electricity to a form your household can take advantage of. As a result, solar panels cut your payments, limit your carbon footprint, and improve the value of your property.

Start Using Solar Panels

You too may take advantage of the tremendous amounts of sunlight available in California! Installing a solar panel system from Solaron lessens your payments, minimizes your household production of greenhouse gases and starts you now on energy’s future. For more information about how solar energy will work for your household, contact a Solaron representative at 916-631-9293 for a no-obligation solar analysis and quote.
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