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How Solar Panels WorkScientists originally described the photoelectric effect in the 19th Century, learning that the Sun has the ability to make electricity when it lands on specific metals. Even Albert Einstein was interested in solidifying our understanding of how this phenomena operates. Today, Solaron employs this scientific law to assist Sacramento houses create their own power using photovoltaic panels.

What Makes a Photovoltaic Panel?

Solar panels, also called PV panels, employ multiple PV cells to create specific quantities of power. The best photovoltaic panels for household use come from SunPower, a company found in California. SunPower creates photovoltaic panels with two advantages over their competition. First, their individual PV cells feature class-leading efficiency – making more power when exposed to the sun than cells offered by other manufacturers. Second, SunPower cells are durable – they feature a very long lifespan and are guaranteed to create class-leading amounts of power for 25 years. Solaron installs only SunPower products in its installations.

Linking Panels Together

SunPower has also led the realization of a number of simple and effective methods for putting panels together. It takes many panels to power the common home, and all these panels must be tied together in an electrical network to make the electricity our customers require. So even though a photovoltaic panel array may look like one large panel from a distance, in reality it is multiple smaller panels put together both physically through a framework and electronically through wiring. This system allows for configurations that fit any roof or platform, such as the shade structures now gracing multiple parking lots.

Generating Useful Power

Photovoltaic panels create direct current (DC), but households operate on alternating current (AC). Therefore, your photovoltaic system by Solaron requires a part called an “inverter.” This part takes all the photovoltaic electricity from your many panels and adjusts it to a type your home can use. Extra energy can be employed to do any of the following:

  • use it to recharge devices, like an electric car;
  • send power to the grid to payment from the company;
  • recharge a household battery bank, storing power for later.

While the first option simply needs the correct type of outlet, the other two necessitate additional components too add functionality to the photovoltaic system.

Start Using Photovoltaic Panels

So stop letting sunshine go unused on your home! Turn that potential energy into electricity with a photovoltaic system designed by Solaron of Sacramento. For information about photovoltaic energy working for your home, contact a Solaron technician at 916-631-9293 or write via our online request form for a no-obligation solar analysis and quotation.
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